Source code for taurex.optimizer.multinest

from .optimizer import Optimizer

import numpy as np
import os
from taurex.mpi import get_rank, barrier
from taurex.util.util import read_table, read_error_line, read_error_into_dict, quantile_corner, recursively_save_dict_contents_to_output
import random
from taurex.util.util import weighted_avg_and_std
from taurex import OutputSize

[docs]class MultiNestOptimizer(Optimizer): def __init__(self, multi_nest_path=None, observed=None, model=None, sampling_efficiency='parameter', num_live_points=1500, max_iterations=0, search_multi_modes=True, num_params_cluster=None, maximum_modes=100, constant_efficiency_mode=False, evidence_tolerance=0.5, mode_tolerance=-1e90, importance_sampling=False, resume=False, n_iter_before_update=100, multinest_prefix='1-', verbose_output=True, sigma_fraction=0.1): super().__init__('Multinest', observed, model, sigma_fraction) # sampling chains directory self.nest_path = 'chains/' self.nclust_par = -1 # sampling efficiency (parameter, ...) self.sampling_eff = sampling_efficiency # number of live points self.n_live_points = int(num_live_points) # maximum no. of iterations (0=inf) self.max_iter = int(max_iterations) # search for multiple modes self.multimodes = search_multi_modes self.n_iter_before_update = int(n_iter_before_update) # parameters on which to cluster, e.g. if nclust_par = 3, it will # cluster on the first 3 parameters only. # if ncluster_par = -1 it clusters on all parameters self.nclust_par = num_params_cluster # maximum number of modes self.max_modes = int(maximum_modes) # run in constant efficiency mode self.const_eff = constant_efficiency_mode # set log likelihood tolerance. If change is smaller, multinest will have converged self.evidence_tolerance = evidence_tolerance self.mode_tolerance = mode_tolerance # importance nested sampling self.imp_sampling = importance_sampling if self.imp_sampling: self.multimodes = False self.multinest_prefix = multinest_prefix self.dir_multinest = multi_nest_path if get_rank() == 0: if not os.path.exists(self.dir_multinest):'Directory %s does not exist, creating', self.dir_multinest) os.makedirs(self.dir_multinest) barrier()'Found directory %s', self.dir_multinest) self.resume = resume self.verbose = verbose_output
[docs] def compute_fit(self): import pymultinest data = self._observed.spectrum datastd = self._observed.errorBar sqrtpi = np.sqrt(2*np.pi) def multinest_loglike(cube, ndim, nparams): data = self._observed.spectrum datastd = self._observed.errorBar # log-likelihood function called by multinest fit_params_container = np.array( [cube[i] for i in range(len(self.fitting_parameters))]) chi_t = self.chisq_trans(fit_params_container, data, datastd) # print('---------START---------') # print('chi_t',chi_t) # print('LOG',loglike) loglike = -np.sum(np.log(datastd*sqrtpi)) - 0.5 * chi_t # print(loglike) return loglike def multinest_uniform_prior(cube, ndim, nparams): # prior distributions called by multinest. Implements a uniform prior # converting parameters from normalised grid to uniform prior # print(type(cube)) for idx, priors in enumerate(self.fitting_priors): # print(idx,self.fitting_parameters[idx]) cube[idx] = priors.sample(cube[idx]) #print('CUBE idx',cube[idx]) # print('-----------') # status = None # def dump_call(nSamples,nlive,nPar,physLive,posterior,paramConstr,maxloglike,logZ,INSlogZ,logZerr,context): # status = (nSamples,nlive,nPar,physLive,posterior,paramConstr,maxloglike,logZ,INSlogZ,logZerr,context) ndim = len(self.fitting_parameters) self.warning('Number of dimensions {}'.format(ndim)) self.warning('Fitting parameters {}'.format(self.fitting_parameters)) ncluster = self.nclust_par if isinstance(ncluster, float): ncluster = int(ncluster) if ncluster is not None and ncluster <= 0: ncluster = None if ncluster is None: self.nclust_par = ndim # For writing to output later on'Beginning fit......'), Prior=multinest_uniform_prior, n_dims=ndim, multimodal=self.multimodes, n_clustering_params=ncluster, max_modes=self.max_modes, n_iter_before_update=self.n_iter_before_update, outputfiles_basename=os.path.join(self.dir_multinest, self.multinest_prefix), const_efficiency_mode=self.const_eff, importance_nested_sampling=self.imp_sampling, resume=self.resume, verbose=self.verbose, sampling_efficiency=self.sampling_eff, evidence_tolerance=self.evidence_tolerance, mode_tolerance=self.mode_tolerance, n_live_points=self.n_live_points, max_iter=self.max_iter )'Fit complete.....') self._multinest_output = self.store_nest_solutions() self.debug('Multinest output %s', self._multinest_output)
[docs] def write_optimizer(self, output): opt = super().write_optimizer(output) # sampling efficiency (parameter, ...) opt.write_scalar('sampling_eff ', self.sampling_eff) # number of live points opt.write_scalar('num_live_points', self.n_live_points) # maximum no. of iterations (0=inf) opt.write_scalar('max_iterations', self.max_iter) # search for multiple modes opt.write_scalar('search_multimodes', self.multimodes) # parameters on which to cluster, e.g. if nclust_par = 3, it will cluster on the first 3 parameters only. # if ncluster_par = -1 it clusters on all parameters opt.write_scalar('nclust_parameter', self.nclust_par) # maximum number of modes opt.write_scalar('max_modes', self.max_modes) # run in constant efficiency mode opt.write_scalar('constant_efficiency', self.const_eff) # set log likelihood tolerance. If change is smaller, multinest will have converged opt.write_scalar('evidence_tolerance', self.evidence_tolerance) opt.write_scalar('mode_tolerance', self.mode_tolerance) # importance nested sampling opt.write_scalar('importance_sampling ', self.imp_sampling) return opt
[docs] def write_fit(self, output): fit = super().write_fit(output) if self._multinest_output: recursively_save_dict_contents_to_output( output, self._multinest_output) return fit
# Laziness brought us to this point # This function is so big and I cannot be arsed to rewrite this in a nicer way, if some angel does it # for me then I will buy them TWO beers. def store_nest_solutions(self): import pymultinest self.warning('Store the multinest results') NEST_out = {'solutions': {}} data = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(self.dir_multinest, '{}.txt'.format(self.multinest_prefix))) NEST_analyzer = pymultinest.Analyzer(n_params=len( self.fitting_parameters), outputfiles_basename=os.path.join(self.dir_multinest, self.multinest_prefix)) NEST_stats = NEST_analyzer.get_stats() NEST_out['NEST_stats'] = NEST_stats NEST_out['global_logE'] = ( NEST_out['NEST_stats']['global evidence'], NEST_out['NEST_stats']['global evidence error']) # Bypass if run in multimodes = False. Pymultinest.Analyser does not report means and sigmas in this case if len(NEST_out['NEST_stats']['modes']) == 0: with open(os.path.join(self.dir_multinest, '{}stats.dat'.format(self.multinest_prefix))) as file: lines = file.readlines() stats = {'modes': []} read_error_into_dict(lines[0], stats) text = ''.join(lines[2:]) # without INS: parts = text.split("\n\n") mode = {'index': 0} modelines = parts[0] t = read_table(modelines, title='Parameter') mode['mean'] = t[:, 1].tolist() mode['sigma'] = t[:, 2].tolist() mode['maximum'] = read_table(parts[1], title='Parameter', d=None)[ :, 1].tolist() mode['maximum a posterior'] = read_table( parts[2], title='Parameter', d=None)[:, 1].tolist() if 'Nested Sampling Global Log-Evidence'.lower() in stats: mode['Local Log-Evidence'.lower() ] = stats['Nested Sampling Global Log-Evidence'.lower()] mode['Local Log-Evidence error'.lower() ] = stats['Nested Sampling Global Log-Evidence error'.lower()] else: mode['Local Log-Evidence'.lower() ] = stats['Nested Importance Sampling Global Log-Evidence'.lower()] mode['Local Log-Evidence error'.lower() ] = stats['Nested Importance Sampling Global Log-Evidence error'.lower()] mode['Strictly Local Log-Evidence'.lower() ] = mode['Local Log-Evidence'.lower()] mode['Strictly Local Log-Evidence error'.lower() ] = mode['Local Log-Evidence error'.lower()] NEST_out['NEST_stats']['modes'] = [mode] modes = [] modes_weights = [] chains = [] chains_weights = [] if self.multimodes: # separate modes. get individual samples for each mode # get parameter values and sample probability (=weight) for each mode with open(os.path.join(self.dir_multinest, '{}post_separate.dat'.format(self.multinest_prefix))) as f: lines = f.readlines() for idx, line in enumerate(lines): if idx > 2: # skip the first two lines if lines[idx-1] == '\n' and lines[idx-2] == '\n': modes.append(chains) modes_weights.append(chains_weights) chains = [] chains_weights = [] chain = [float(x) for x in line.split()[2:]] if len(chain) > 0: chains.append(chain) chains_weights.append(float(line.split()[0])) modes.append(chains) modes_weights.append(chains_weights) modes_array = [] for mode in modes: mode_array = np.zeros((len(mode), len(mode[0]))) for idx, line in enumerate(mode): mode_array[idx, :] = line modes_array.append(mode_array) else: # not running in multimode. Get chains directly from file 1-.txt modes_array = [data[:, 2:]] chains_weights = [data[:, 0]] modes_weights.append(chains_weights[0]) modes = [0] modes_weights = np.asarray(modes_weights) for nmode in range(len(modes)): self.debug('Nmode: {}'.format(nmode)) mydict = {'type': 'nest', 'local_logE': (NEST_out['NEST_stats']['modes'][0]['local log-evidence'], NEST_out['NEST_stats']['modes'][0]['local log-evidence error']), 'weights': np.asarray(modes_weights[nmode]), 'tracedata': modes_array[nmode], 'fit_params': {}} for idx, param_name in enumerate(self.fit_names): trace = modes_array[nmode][:, idx] q_16, q_50, q_84 = quantile_corner(trace, [0.16, 0.5, 0.84], weights=np.asarray(modes_weights[nmode])) mydict['fit_params'][param_name] = { 'value': q_50, 'sigma_m': q_50-q_16, 'sigma_p': q_84-q_50, 'nest_map': NEST_stats['modes'][nmode]['maximum a posterior'][idx], 'mean': NEST_stats['modes'][nmode]['mean'][idx], 'nest_sigma': NEST_stats['modes'][nmode]['sigma'][idx], 'trace': trace, } NEST_out['solutions']['solution{}'.format(nmode)] = mydict return NEST_out
[docs] def generate_solution(self, output_size=OutputSize.heavy): solution = super().generate_solution(output_size=output_size) solution['GlobalStats'] = self._multinest_output['NEST_stats'] return solution
def get_samples(self, solution_idx): return self._multinest_output['solutions'][f'solution{solution_idx}']['tracedata'] def get_weights(self, solution_idx): return self._multinest_output['solutions'][f'solution{solution_idx}']['weights']
[docs] def get_solution(self): names = self.fit_names opt_values = self.fit_values opt_map = self.fit_values solutions = [ (k, v) for k, v in self._multinest_output['solutions'].items() if 'solution' in k] for k, v in solutions: solution_idx = int(k[8:]) for p_name, p_value in v['fit_params'].items(): idx = names.index(p_name) opt_map[idx] = p_value['nest_map'] opt_values[idx] = p_value['value'] yield solution_idx, opt_map, opt_values, [ ('Statistics', {'local log-evidence': self._multinest_output['NEST_stats']['modes'][solution_idx]['local log-evidence'], 'local log-evidence error': self._multinest_output['NEST_stats']['modes'][solution_idx]['local log-evidence error']}), ('fit_params', v['fit_params']), ('tracedata', v['tracedata']), ('weights', v['weights'])]
@classmethod def input_keywords(self): return ['multinest', 'pymultinest', ] BIBTEX_ENTRIES = [ """ @article{ refId0, author = {{Buchner, J.} and {Georgakakis, A.} and {Nandra, K.} and {Hsu, L.} and {Rangel, C.} and {Brightman, M.} and {Merloni, A.} and {Salvato, M.} and {Donley, J.} and {Kocevski, D.}}, title = {X-ray spectral modelling of the AGN obscuring region in the CDFS: Bayesian model selection and catalogue}, DOI= "10.1051/0004-6361/201322971", url= "", journal = {A\&A}, year = 2014, volume = 564, pages = "A125", month = "", } """, """ @ARTICLE{Feroz_multinest, author = {{Feroz}, F. and {Hobson}, M.~P. and {Bridges}, M.}, title = "{MULTINEST: an efficient and robust Bayesian inference tool for cosmology and particle physics}", journal = {MNRAS}, keywords = {methods: data analysis, methods: statistical, Astrophysics}, year = "2009", month = "Oct", volume = {398}, number = {4}, pages = {1601-1614}, doi = {10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.14548.x}, archivePrefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {0809.3437}, primaryClass = {astro-ph}, adsurl = {}, adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System} } """ ]