
New in version 3.1.

This section deals with post-processed values from a retrieval.

The format for enabling post-processed values are:

derived_param:compute = value

Only compute is available as an option. Setting to True will ask TauREx to generate posteriors at the end of a retrieval for the parameter using the sample points.

By default, the chemistry mean molecular mass (\(\mu\)) at the surface is computed. We can disable this and instead compute the \(log(g)\) of the planet surface and average temperature like so:

mu:compute = False
logg:compute = True
avg_T:compute = True

Refer to the documentation or plugin documentation to find out what derived parameters are available. You can pass your input file with the --fitparam option to list available parameters:

> taurex -i myinput.par --fitparam

With the derived paramaters listed under Available Computable Parameters:

------Available Retrieval Parameters-----------

│ Param Name       │ Short Desc                                           │
│ planet_mass      │ Planet mass in Jupiter mass                          │
│ planet_radius    │ Planet radius in Jupiter radii                       │
│ planet_distance  │ Planet semi major axis from parent star (AU)         │
│ planet_sma       │ Planet semi major axis from parent star (AU) (ALIAS) │
│ atm_min_pressure │ Minimum pressure of atmosphere (top layer) in Pascal │
│ atm_max_pressure │ Maximum pressure of atmosphere (surface) in Pascal   │
│ T                │ Isothermal temperature in Kelvin                     │
│ H2O              │ H2O constant mix ratio (VMR)                         │
│ CH4              │ CH4 constant mix ratio (VMR)                         │
│ He_H2            │ He/H2 ratio (volume)                                 │
│ clouds_pressure  │ Cloud top pressure in Pascal                         │

------Available Computable Parameters----------

│ Param Name   │ Short Desc                             │
│ logg         │ Surface gravity (m2/s) in log10        │
│ avg_T        │ Average temperature across all layers  │
│ mu           │ Mean molecular weight at surface (amu) │
│ C_O_ratio    │ C/O ratio (volume)                     │
│ He_H_ratio   │ He/H ratio (volume)                    │