Input File Format


The input file format is fairly simple to work with. The extension for Taurex3 input files is .par however this is generally not enforced by the code. The input is defined in various headers, with each header having variables that can be set:

parameter1 = value
parameter2 = anothervalue

parameter1 = adifferentvalue

Of course comments are handled with #

Not all of these headers are required in an input file. Some will generate default profiles when not present. To perform retrievals, [Observation], [Optimizer] and [Fitting] MUST be present

Some of these may define additional subheaders given by the [[Name]] notation:

parameter1 = value
    parameter2 = anothervalue


String variables take this form:

#This is valid
string_variable = Astringvariable
#This is also valid
string_variable_II = "A string variable"

Floats and ints are simply:

my_int_value = 10

And lists/arrays are defined using commas:

my_int_list = 10,20,30
my_float_list = 1.1,1.4,1.6,
my_string_list = hello,how,are,you

Dynamic variables

The input file is actually a dynamic format and its available variables can change depending on the choice of certain profiles and types. For example lets take the [Temperature] header, it contains the variable profile_type which describes which temperature profile to use. Setting this to isothermal gives us the T variable which defines the isothermal temeprature:

profile_type = isothermal
T = 1500.0

Now if we change the profile type to guillot2010 it will use the Guillot 2010 temperature profile which gives access to the variables T_irr, kappa_irr, kappa_v1, kappa_v2 and alpha instead:

profile_type = guillot2010

However setting T will throw an error as it doesn’t exist anymore:

profile_type = guillot2010
#Error is thrown here

This also applies to fitting parameters, profiles provide certain fitting parameters and changing the model means that these parameters may not exist anymore.


New in version 3.1.

Mixins can be applied to any base component through the + operator:

profile_type = mixin1+mixin2+base

Where we apply mixin1 and mixin2 to a base. Including mixins will also include their keywords as well. If mixin1 has the keyword param1, mixin2 has param2 and base has another_param then we can define in the input file:

profile_type = mixin1+mixin2+base
param1 = "Hello"       # From mixin 1
param2 = "World"       # From mixin 2
another_param = 10.0   # From base

Mixins are evaluated in reverse, the last must be a non-mixin for example if we have a doubler mixin that doubles temperature profiles then this is valid:

profile_type = doubler+isothermal

but this is not valid:

profile_type = isothermal+doubler

Additionally we cannot have more than one base class so this is invalid:

profile_type = doubler+isothermal+guillot

The reverse evaluation means that the first mixin will be applied last. If we have another mixin called add50 which adds 50 K to the profile, then:

profile_type = doubler+add50+isothermal
T = 1000

Will result in a temperature profile of \(2100~K\). If we instead do this:

profile_type = add50+doubler+isothermal
T = 1000

Then the resultant temperature will be \(2050~K\).