

This is still under construction as I try to figure out how best to convey this.

Here we present the most basic form of each component. See basic features under Basics and retrieval features under retrievaldev


The most basic temperature class has this form:

from taurex.temperature import Temperature
import numpy as np

class MyTemperature(Temperature):

    def __init__(self):

    def initialize_profile(self, planet=None, nlayers=100,
        self.nlayers = nlayers

        self.myprofile = np.ones(nlayers)*1000.0

    def profile(self):
        return self.myprofile


Used to build the component and only called once. Must include super() call. Decorator fitting parameters are also collected here automatically. Use keyword arguments to setup the class and load any necessary files. You can also build new fitting parameters here as well.


Used to initialize and compute the temperature profile. It is run on each model() call

  • planet: Planet

  • nlayers: Number of Layers

  • pressure_profile: nlayer array of pressures.
    • BOA to TOA

    • Units: \(Pa\)


Must be decorated with @property. Must return an array of same shape as pressure_profile with units \(K\)


We recommend using AutoChemistry as a base as it greatly simplifies implementation of active and inactive species.

from taurex.chemistry import AutoChemistry
import numpy as np

class MyChemistry(AutoChemistry):

    def __init__(self):

        # Perform setup here

        # Populate gases here
        self.mygases = ['H2', 'He', 'H2O', 'CH4', 'NO', 'H2S','TiO',]

        # Call when gases has been populated

    def initialize_chemistry(self, nlayers=100, temperature_profile=None,
                        pressure_profile=None, altitude_profile=None):

        num_molecules = len(self.gases)

        # We will compute a random profile for each molecule
        self.mixprofile = np.random.rand(num_molecules, nlayers)

        # Make sure each layer sums to unity
        self.mixprofile/= np.sum(self.mixprofile,axis=0)

        # Compute mu profile

    def gases(self):
        return self.mygases

    def mixProfile(self):
        return self.mixprofile

For chemistry whats important is the the method determine_active_inactive() must be called once gases() has been populated with the species.


Used to build the component and only called once. Must include super() call. Decorator fitting parameters are also collected here automatically. Use keyword arguments to setup the class and load any necessary files. You can also build new fitting parameters here as well. We recommend determining your chemical species at this point.


Used to initialize and compute the chemical model. The \(\mu\) profile should be computed as well. It is run on each model() call

  • nlayers: Number of Layers

  • temperature_profile: nlayer array of temperature.
    • BOA to TOA

    • Units: \(K\)

  • pressure_profile: nlayer array of pressures.
    • BOA to TOA

    • Units: \(Pa\)


Must be decorated with @property. Must return a list of species in the chemical model


Return volume mixing ratios. Must be decorated with @property. Must return an array of shape (number of species, number of layers). The ordering of species must be 1:1 with gases()