Source code for taurex.opacity.exotransmit

import pathlib
from taurex.opacity.interpolateopacity import InterpolatingOpacity
import numpy as np

[docs]class ExoTransmitOpacity(InterpolatingOpacity):
[docs] @classmethod def discover(cls): import os import glob import pathlib from taurex.cache import GlobalCache from taurex.util.util import sanitize_molecule_string path = GlobalCache()['xsec_path'] if path is None: return [] path = os.path.join(path, '*.dat') files = glob.glob(path) discovery = [] interp = GlobalCache()['xsec_interpolation'] or 'linear' for f in files: mol_name = sanitize_molecule_string(pathlib.Path(f).stem[4:]) discovery.append((mol_name, [f, interp])) return discovery
def __init__(self, filename, interpolation_mode='linear'): super().__init__('ExoOpacity:{}'.format( pathlib.Path(filename).stem[4:]), interpolation_mode=interpolation_mode) self._filename = filename self._molecule_name = pathlib.Path(filename).stem[4:] self._load_exo_transmit(filename) def _load_exo_transmit(self, filename): self.debug('Loading opacity from {}'.format(filename)) with open(filename, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() self._temperature_grid = np.array( [float(l) for l in lines[0].split()]) # *t_conversion self._pressure_grid = np.array( [float(l) for l in lines[1].split()])*1e5 self._min_pressure = self._pressure_grid.min() self._max_pressure = self._pressure_grid.max() self._min_temperature = self._temperature_grid.min() self._max_temperature = self._temperature_grid.max() wn_grid = [] for ln in lines[2:]: arr = np.array([float(l) for l in ln.split()]) if arr.shape[0] == 1: wn_grid.append(10000*1e-6/arr[0]) wn_grid = np.array(wn_grid) grid_sort = wn_grid.argsort() self._wavenumber_grid = wn_grid[grid_sort] pressure_count = 0 lambda_count = -1 self._xsec_grid = np.empty(shape=(self.pressureGrid.shape[0], self.temperatureGrid.shape[0], self.wavenumberGrid.shape[0])) for ln in lines[2:]: arr = np.array([float(l) for l in ln.split()]) if arr.shape[0] == 1: lambda_count += 1 pressure_count = 0 else: self._xsec_grid[pressure_count, :, lambda_count] = arr[1:] + 1e-60 pressure_count += 1 self._xsec_grid = self._xsec_grid[:, :, grid_sort]*10000 @property def wavenumberGrid(self): return self._wavenumber_grid @property def temperatureGrid(self): return self._temperature_grid @property def pressureGrid(self): return self._pressure_grid @property def resolution(self): return self._resolution @property def moleculeName(self): return self._molecule_name @property def xsecGrid(self): return self._xsec_grid BIBTEX_ENTRIES = [ """ @ARTICLE{2017PASP..129d4402K, author = {{Kempton}, Eliza M. -R. and {Lupu}, Roxana and {Owusu-Asare}, Albert and {Slough}, Patrick and {Cale}, Bryson}, title = "{Exo-Transmit: An Open-Source Code for Calculating Transmission Spectra for Exoplanet Atmospheres of Varied Composition}", journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific}, keywords = {Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics}, year = 2017, month = apr, volume = {129}, number = {974}, pages = {044402}, doi = {10.1088/1538-3873/aa61ef}, archivePrefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {1611.03871}, primaryClass = {astro-ph.EP}, adsurl = {}, adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System} } """, ]