Source code for

from .star import BlackbodyStar
import numpy as np
import os
from taurex.constants import MSOL
from taurex.cache import GlobalCache
import math

[docs]class PhoenixStar(BlackbodyStar): """ A star that uses the `PHOENIX <>`_ synthetic stellar atmosphere spectrums. These spectrums are read from ``.gits.gz`` files in a directory given by ``phoenix_path`` Each file must contain the spectrum for one temperature Parameters ---------- phoenix_path: str, **required** Path to folder containing phoenix ``fits.gz`` files temperature: float, optional Stellar temperature in Kelvin radius: float, optional Stellar radius in Solar radius metallicity: float, optional Metallicity in solar values mass: float, optional Stellar mass in solar mass distance: float, optional Distance from Earth in pc magnitudeK: float, optional Maginitude in K band Raises ------ Exception Raised when no phoenix path is defined """ def __init__(self, temperature=5000, radius=1.0, metallicity=1.0, mass=1.0, distance=1, magnitudeK=10.0, phoenix_path=None, retro_version_file=None): super().__init__(temperature=temperature, radius=radius, distance=distance, magnitudeK=magnitudeK, mass=mass, metallicity=metallicity) self._phoenix_path = phoenix_path self.retro_version_file = retro_version_file ## CAN BE OBTAINED FROM: if self._phoenix_path is None or not os.path.isdir(self._phoenix_path): self._phoenix_path = GlobalCache()['phoenix_path'] if self._phoenix_path is None or not os.path.isdir(self._phoenix_path): self.error(f'No file path or incorrect path to phoenix files defined - {self._phoenix_path}') raise Exception(f'No file path or incorrect path to phoenix files defined - {self._phoenix_path}')'Star is PHOENIX type') self.get_avail_phoenix() self.use_blackbody = False self.recompute_spectra() # self.preload_phoenix_spectra()
[docs] def compute_logg(self): """ Computes log(surface_G) """ import astropy.units as u from astropy.constants import G mass = self._mass * radius = self._radius * u.m small_g = (G * mass) / (radius**2) small_g =**2) return math.log10(small_g.value)
[docs] def recompute_spectra(self): if self.temperature > self._T_list.max() or \ self.temperature < self._T_list.min(): self._logg = self.compute_logg() self.use_blackbody = True else: self.use_blackbody = False self._logg = self.compute_logg() f = self.find_nearest_file() self.read_spectra(f)
[docs] def read_spectra(self, p_file): from import fits import astropy.units as u if self.retro_version_file is not None: with as hdu: with as hdu2: strUnit = hdu2[0].header['UNIT'] wl = hdu2[0].data * u.Unit(strUnit) strUnit = hdu[0].header['BUNIT'] sed = hdu[0].data * u.Unit(strUnit) self.wngrid = 10000/( argidx = np.argsort(self.wngrid) self._base_sed =**2/u.micron).value self.wngrid = self.wngrid[argidx] self._base_sed = self._base_sed[argidx] else: with as hdu: strUnit = hdu[1].header['TUNIT1'] wl = hdu[1].data.field('Wavelength') * u.Unit(strUnit) strUnit = hdu[1].header['TUNIT2'] sed = hdu[1].data.field('Flux') * u.Unit(strUnit) self.wngrid = 10000/(wl.value) argidx = np.argsort(self.wngrid) self._base_sed =**2/u.micron).value self.wngrid = self.wngrid[argidx] self._base_sed = self._base_sed[argidx]
@property def temperature(self): """ Effective Temperature in Kelvin Returns ------- T: float """ return self._temperature @temperature.setter def temperature(self, value): self._temperature = value self.recompute_spectra() @property def mass(self): """ Mass of star in solar mass Returns ------- M: float """ return self._mass @mass.setter def mass(self, value): self._mass = value * MSOL self.recompute_spectra()
[docs] def find_nearest_file(self): import math idx = self._index_finder( [self._temperature, self._logg, self._metallicity]) return self._files[int(idx)]
[docs] def get_avail_phoenix(self): from scipy.interpolate import NearestNDInterpolator import glob if self.retro_version_file is not None: files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self._phoenix_path, '*.fits')) else: files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self._phoenix_path, '*.spec.fits.gz')) #files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self._phoenix_path, '*.fits')) self._files = files if self.retro_version_file is not None: self._T_list = np.array( [np.float(os.path.basename(k)[3:8]) for k in files]) self._Logg_list = np.array( [np.float(os.path.basename(k)[9:13]) for k in files]) self._Z_list = np.array( [np.float(os.path.basename(k)[14:17]) for k in files]) else: self._T_list = np.array( [np.float(os.path.basename(k)[3:8]) for k in files])*100 self._Logg_list = np.array( [np.float(os.path.basename(k)[8:12]) for k in files]) self._Z_list = np.array( [np.float(os.path.basename(k)[13:16]) for k in files]) self._index_finder = NearestNDInterpolator( (self._T_list, self._Logg_list, self._Z_list), np.arange(0, self._T_list.shape[0]),rescale=True)
# def preload_phoenix_spectra(self): # T_list = self.detect_all_T(self._phoenix_path) # self._temperature_grid = np.array([x[0] for x in T_list]) # self.debug('Detected temepratures = %s',self._temperature_grid) # self._avail_max_temp = max(self._temperature_grid) # self._avail_min_temp = min(self._temperature_grid) # self.debug('Temperature range = [%s-%s] ',self._avail_min_temp,self._avail_max_temp) # self._max_index = self._temperature_grid.shape[0] # self.spectra_grid = [] # #Load in all arrays # for temp,f in T_list: # self.debug('Loading %s %s',temp,f) # arr = np.loadtxt(f) # grid = 10000/np.copy(arr[:,0]) # sorted_idx = np.argsort(grid) # self.wngrid = 10000/np.copy(arr[sorted_idx,0]) # self.spectra_grid.append(arr[sorted_idx,1]*10.0) #To SI # def find_closest_index(self,T): # """ # Finds the two closest indices in our temeprature grid to our desired temperature # Parameters # ---------- # T: float # Temperature in Kelvin # Returns # ------- # t_min: int # Index to the left of ``T`` # t_max: int # Index to the right of ``T`` # """ # t_min=self._temperature_grid.searchsorted(T,side='right')-1 # t_max = t_min+1 # return t_min,t_max # def interpolate_linear_temp(self,T): # """ # Linearly interpolates the spectral emission density grid to the # temperature given by ``T`` # Parameters # ---------- # T: float # Temeprature to interpolate to # Returns # ------- # out: :obj:`array` # Spectral emission density interpolated to desired temperature # """ # t_min,t_max = self.find_closest_index(T) # if self._temperature_grid[t_min] == T: # return self.spectra_grid[t_min] # Tmax = self._temperature_grid[t_max] # Tmin = self._temperature_grid[t_min] # fx0=self.spectra_grid[t_min] # fx1 = self.spectra_grid[t_max] # return interp_lin_only(fx0,fx1,T,Tmin,Tmax) # def detect_all_T(self,path): # """ # Finds files and detects all temperatures available in path # Parameters # ---------- # path: str # Path to directory containing PHOENIX data # """ # files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self._phoenix_path,'*.fits.gz')) # files.sort() # temp_list = [] # for f in files: # #Gewt just the name of the file # clean_name = pathlib.Path(f).stem # #Split it by numbers # split = re.split('(\d+)',clean_name) # try: # _T = float(split[1]) # except Exception: # self.warning('Problem when reading filename %s',f) # continue # temp_list.append( (_T,f) ) # #Now sort the numbers # temp_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) # return temp_list
[docs] def initialize(self, wngrid): """ Initializes and interpolates the spectral emission density to the current stellar temperature and given wavenumber grid Parameters ---------- wngrid: :obj:`array` Wavenumber grid to interpolate the SED to """ # If temperature outside of range, use blavkbody if self.use_blackbody: self.warning('Using black body as temperature is outside of Star temeprature range {}'.format( self.temperature)) super().initialize(wngrid) else: sed = self._base_sed self.sed = np.interp(wngrid, self.wngrid, sed)
@property def spectralEmissionDensity(self): """ Spectral emmision density Returns ------- sed: :obj:`array` """ return self.sed
[docs] def write(self, output): star = super().write(output) star.write_string('phoenix_path', self._phoenix_path) return star
[docs] @classmethod def input_keywords(self): return ['phoenix', ]
BIBTEX_ENTRIES = [ """ @article{ refId0, author = {{Husser, T.-O.} and {Wende-von Berg, S.} and {Dreizler, S.} and {Homeier, D.} and {Reiners, A.} and {Barman, T.} and {Hauschildt, P. H.}}, title = {A new extensive library of PHOENIX stellar atmospheres and synthetic spectra}, DOI= "10.1051/0004-6361/201219058", url= "", journal = {A\&A}, year = 2013, volume = 553, pages = "A6", month = "", } """ ]