Source code for

Contains the basic definition of an observed spectrum for TauRex 3

from taurex.log import Logger
from taurex.output.writeable import Writeable
from taurex.core import Fittable

[docs]class BaseSpectrum(Logger, Fittable, Writeable): """ *Abstract class* A base class where spectrums are loaded (or later created). This is used to either plot against the forward model or passed into the optimizer to be used to fit the forward model Parameters ---------- name : str Name to be used in logging """ def __init__(self, name): Logger.__init__(self,name) Fittable.__init__(self)
[docs] def create_binner(self): """ Creates the appropriate binning object """ from taurex.binning import FluxBinner return FluxBinner(wngrid=self.wavenumberGrid, wngrid_width=self.binWidths)
@property def spectrum(self): """ **Requires Implementation** Should return the observed spectrum. Raises ------ NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError @property def rawData(self): """ **Requires Implementation** Should return the raw data set. Raises ------ NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError @property def wavelengthGrid(self): """ **Requires Implementation** Should return the wavelength grid of the spectrum in microns. This does not need to necessarily match the shape of :func:`spectrum` Raises ------ NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError @property def wavenumberGrid(self): """ Wavenumber grid in cm-1 Returns ------- wngrid : :obj:`array` """ return 10000/self.wavelengthGrid @property def binEdges(self): """ **Requires Implementation** Should return the bin edges of the wavenumber grid Raises ------ NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError @property def binWidths(self): """ **Requires Implementation** Should return the widths of each bin in the wavenumber grid Raises ------ NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError @property def errorBar(self): """ **Requires Implementation** Should return the error. *Must* be the same shape as :func:`spectrum` Raises ------ NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError @property def fittingParameters(self): return self.fitting_parameters() @property def derivedParameters(self): return self.derived_parameters()
[docs] def write(self, output): output.write_array('wlgrid', self.wavelengthGrid) output.write_array('spectrum', self.spectrum) output.write_array('binedges', self.binEdges) output.write_array('binwidths', self.binWidths) output.write_array('errorbars', self.errorBar) return output
[docs] @classmethod def input_keywords(self): raise NotImplementedError