Source code for

from .tprofile import TemperatureProfile
import numpy as np
from import fitparam

[docs]class Rodgers2000(TemperatureProfile): """ Layer-by-layer temperature - pressure profile retrieval using dampening factor Introduced in Rodgers (2000): Inverse Methods for Atmospheric Sounding (equation 3.26). Featured in NEMESIS code (Irwin et al., 2008, J. Quant. Spec., 109, 1136 (equation 19) Used in all Barstow et al. papers. Parameters ---------- temperature_layers : :obj:`list` Temperature in Kelvin per layer of pressure correlation_length : float In scaleheights, Line et al. 2013 sets this to 7, Irwin et al sets this to 1.5 may be left as free and Pressure dependent parameter later. covariance_matrix : :obj:`array` , optional User can supply their own covaraince matrix """ def __init__(self, temperature_layers=[], correlation_length=5.0, covariance_matrix=None): super().__init__('Rodgers2000') self._tp_corr_length = correlation_length self._covariance = covariance_matrix self._T_layers = np.array(temperature_layers) self.generate_temperature_fitting_params()
[docs] def gen_covariance(self): """ Generate the covariance matrix if None is supplied """ h = self._tp_corr_length pres_prof = (self.pressure_profile) return np.exp(-1.0 * np.abs(np.log(pres_prof[:, None] / pres_prof[None, :])) / h)
[docs] def correlate_temp(self, cov_mat): cov_mat_sum = np.sum(cov_mat, axis=0) weights = cov_mat[:, :]/cov_mat_sum[:, None] return
@property def profile(self): cov_mat = self._covariance if cov_mat is None: cov_mat = self.gen_covariance() return self.correlate_temp(cov_mat) @fitparam(param_name='correlation_length', param_latex='$C_{L}$', default_fit=False, default_bounds=[1.0, 10.0]) def correlationLength(self): """ Correlation length in scale heights """ return self._tp_corr_length @correlationLength.setter def correlationLength(self, value): self._tp_corr_length = value
[docs] def generate_temperature_fitting_params(self): """ Generates the temperature fitting parameters for each layer of the atmosphere For a 4 layer atmosphere the fitting parameters generated are ``T_0``, ``T_1``, ``T_2`` and ``T_3`` """ bounds = [1e5, 1e3] for idx, val in enumerate(self._T_layers): point_num = idx+1 param_name = 'T_{}'.format(point_num) param_latex = '$T_{%i}$' % point_num def read_point(self, idx=idx): return self._T_layers[idx] def write_point(self, value, idx=idx): self._T_layers[idx] = value fget_point = read_point fset_point = write_point default_fit = False self.add_fittable_param(param_name, param_latex, fget_point, fset_point, 'linear', default_fit, bounds)
[docs] def write(self, output): temperature = super().write(output) cov_mat = self._covariance if cov_mat is None: cov_mat = self.gen_covariance() temperature.write_array('covariance_matrix', cov_mat) temperature.write_array('temperature_layers', self._T_layers) temperature.write_scalar('correlation_length', self._tp_corr_length) return temperature
[docs] @classmethod def input_keywords(cls): """ Return all input keywords """ return ['rodgers', 'rodgers2010', ]
BIBTEX_ENTRIES = [ """ @MISC{rodger_retrievals, author = {{Rodgers}, Clive D.}, title = "{Inverse Methods for Atmospheric Sounding - Theory and Practice}", howpublished = {Inverse Methods for Atmospheric Sounding - Theory and Practice. Series: Series on Atmospheric Oceanic and Planetary Physics}, year = "2000", month = "Jan", doi = {10.1142/9789812813718}, adsurl = {}, adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System} } """, ]