Source code for taurex.core.priors

import scipy.stats as stats
from taurex.log import Logger
import math
import enum

[docs]class PriorMode(enum.Enum): """ Defines the type of prior space """ LINEAR = 0, LOG = 1,
[docs]class Prior(Logger): """ Defines a prior function """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(self.__class__.__name__) self._prior_mode = PriorMode.LINEAR @property def priorMode(self): return self._prior_mode
[docs] def sample(self, x): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def prior(self, value): if self._prior_mode is PriorMode.LINEAR: return value else: return 10**value
[docs] def params(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def boundaries(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Uniform(Prior): def __init__(self, bounds=[0.0, 1.0]): super().__init__() if bounds is None: self.error('No bounds defined') raise ValueError('No bounds defined') self.set_bounds(bounds)
[docs] def set_bounds(self, bounds): self._low_bounds = min(*bounds) self.debug('Lower bounds: %s', self._low_bounds) self._up_bounds = max(*bounds) self._scale = self._up_bounds - self._low_bounds self.debug('Scale: %s', self._scale)
[docs] def sample(self, x): return stats.uniform.ppf(x, loc=self._low_bounds, scale=self._scale)
[docs] def params(self): return f'Bounds = [{self._low_bounds},{self._up_bounds}]'
[docs] def boundaries(self): return self._low_bounds, self._up_bounds
[docs]class LogUniform(Uniform): def __init__(self, bounds=[0.0, 1.0], lin_bounds=None): if lin_bounds is not None: bounds = [math.log10(x) for x in lin_bounds] super().__init__(bounds=bounds) self._prior_mode = PriorMode.LOG
[docs]class Gaussian(Prior): def __init__(self, mean=0.5, std=0.25): super().__init__() self._loc = mean self._scale = std
[docs] def sample(self, x): return stats.norm.ppf(x, loc=self._loc, scale=self._scale)
[docs] def params(self): return f'Mean = {self._loc} Stdev = {self._scale}'
[docs] def boundaries(self): return self.sample(0.1), self.sample(0.9)
[docs]class LogGaussian(Gaussian): def __init__(self, mean=0.5, std=0.25, lin_mean=None, lin_std=None): if lin_mean is not None: mean = math.log10(lin_mean) if lin_std is not None: std = math.log10(lin_std) super().__init__(mean=mean, std=std) self._prior_mode = PriorMode.LOG