Source code for taurex.contributions.contribution

Base contribution classes and functions for computing optical depth

from taurex.log import Logger
from import Fittable
import numpy as np
from taurex.output.writeable import Writeable
import numba
from import Citable

[docs]@numba.jit(nopython=True, nogil=True) def contribute_tau(startK, endK, density_offset, sigma, density, path, nlayers, ngrid, layer, tau): """ Generic cross-section integration function for tau, numba-fied for performance. This has the form: .. math:: \\tau_{\\lambda}(z) = \\int_{z_{0}}^{z_{1}} \\sigma(z') \\rho(z') dz', where :math:`z` is the layer, :math:`z_0` and :math:`z_1` are ``startK`` and ``endK`` respectively. :math:`\\sigma` is the weighted cross-section ``sigma``. :math:`rho` is the ``density`` and :math:`dz'` is the integration path length ``path`` Parameters ---------- startK: int starting layer in integration endK: int last layer in integration density_offset: int Which part of the density profile to start from sigma: :obj:`array` cross-section density: array_like density profile of atmosphere path: array_like path-length or altitude gradient nlayers: int Total number of layers (unused) ngrid: int total number of grid points layer: int Which layer we currently on Returns ------- tau : array_like optical depth (well almost you still need to do ``exp(-tau)`` yourself) """ for k in range(startK, endK): _path = path[k] _density = density[k+density_offset] # for mol in range(nmols): for wn in range(ngrid): tau[layer, wn] += sigma[k+layer, wn]*_path*_density
[docs]class Contribution(Fittable, Logger, Writeable, Citable): """ *Abstract class* The base class for modelling contributions to the optical depth. By default this handles contributions from cross-sections. If the type of contribution being implemented is a `sigma`-type like the form given in :func:`contribute_tau` then To function in Taurex3, it only requires the concrete implementation of: - :func:`prepare_each` Different forms may require reimplementing :func:`contribute` as well as :func:`prepare` Parameters ---------- name : str Identifier of the contribution. """ def __init__(self, name): Logger.__init__(self, name) Fittable.__init__(self) self._name = name self._total_contribution = None self._enabled = True self.sigma_xsec = None @property def order(self): """ Computational order. Lower numbers are given higher priority and are computed first. Returns ------- int: Order of computation """ return 5 @property def name(self): """Name of the contribution. Identifier for plots""" return self._name
[docs] def contribute(self, model, start_layer, end_layer, density_offset, layer, density, tau, path_length=None): """ Computes an integral for a single layer for the optical depth. Parameters ---------- model: :class:`~taurex.model.model.ForwardModel` A forward model start_layer: int Lowest layer limit for integration end_layer: int Upper layer limit of integration density_offset: int offset in density layer layer: int atmospheric layer being computed density: :obj:`array` density profile of atmosphere tau: :obj:`array` optical depth to store result path_length: :obj:`array` integration length """ self.debug('SIGMA %s', self.sigma_xsec.shape) self.debug(' %s %s %s %s %s %s %s', start_layer, end_layer, density_offset, layer, density, tau, self._ngrid) contribute_tau(start_layer, end_layer, density_offset, self.sigma_xsec, density, path_length, self._nlayers, self._ngrid, layer, tau) self.debug('DONE')
[docs] def build(self, model): """ Called during forward model build phase Does nothing by default Parameters ---------- model: :class:`~taurex.model.model.ForwardModel` Forward model """ pass
[docs] def prepare_each(self, model, wngrid): """ **Requires implementation** Used to prepare each component of the contribution. For context when the main ``taurex`` program is run with the option each spectra is the component for the contribution. For cross-section based contributions, the components are each molecule Should yield the name of the component and the component itself Parameters ---------- model: :class:`~taurex.model.model.ForwardModel` Forward model wngrid: :obj:`array` Wavenumber grid Yields ------ component: :obj:`tuple` of type (str, :obj:`array`) Name of component and component itself """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def prepare(self, model, wngrid): """ Used to prepare the contribution for the calculation. Called before the forward model performs the main optical depth calculation. Default behaviour is to loop through :func:`prepare_each` and sum all results into a single cross-section. Parameters ---------- model: :class:`~taurex.model.model.ForwardModel` Forward model wngrid: :obj:`array` Wavenumber grid """ self._ngrid = wngrid.shape[0] self._nlayers = model.nLayers sigma_xsec = np.zeros(shape=(self._nlayers, self._ngrid)) for gas, sigma in self.prepare_each(model, wngrid): self.debug('Gas %s', gas) self.debug('Sigma %s', sigma) sigma_xsec += sigma self.sigma_xsec = sigma_xsec self.debug('Final sigma is %s', self.sigma_xsec)'Done')
[docs] def finalize(self, model, tau): """ Called in the last phase of the calculation, after the optical depth has be completely computed. """ pass
@property def sigma(self): return self.sigma_xsec
[docs] def write(self, output): """ Writes contribution class and arguments to file Parameters ---------- output: :class:`~taurex.output.output.Output` """ contrib = output.create_group(self.__class__.__name__) return contrib
[docs] @classmethod def input_keywords(self): raise NotImplementedError