Source code for taurex.contributions.cia

from .contribution import Contribution
import numpy as np
import numba
from taurex.cache import CIACache

[docs]@numba.jit(nopython=True, nogil=True) def contribute_cia(startK, endK, density_offset, sigma, density, path, nlayers, ngrid, layer, tau): """ Collisionally induced absorption integration function This has the form: .. math:: \\tau_{\\lambda}(z) = \\int_{z_{0}}^{z_{1}} \\sigma(z') \\rho(z')^{2} dz', where :math:`z` is the layer, :math:`z_0` and :math:`z_1` are ``startK`` and ``endK`` respectively. :math:`\\sigma` is the weighted cross-section ``sigma``. :math:`rho` is the ``density`` and :math:`dz'` is the integration path length ``path`` Parameters ---------- startK: int starting layer in integration endK: int last layer in integration density_offset: int Which part of the density profile to start from sigma: :obj:`array` cross-section density: array_like density profile of atmosphere path: array_like path-length or altitude gradient nlayers: int Total number of layers (unused) ngrid: int total number of grid points layer: int Which layer we currently on Returns ------- tau : array_like optical depth (well almost you still need to do ``exp(-tau)`` yourself) """ for k in range(startK, endK): _path = path[k] _density = density[k+density_offset] # for mol in range(nmols): for wn in range(ngrid): tau[layer, wn] += sigma[k+layer, wn]*_path*_density*_density
[docs]class CIAContribution(Contribution): """ Computes the contribution to the optical depth occuring from collisionally induced absorption. Parameters ---------- cia_pairs: :obj:`list` of str list of molecule pairs of the form ``mol1-mol2`` e.g. ``H2-He`` """ def __init__(self, cia_pairs=None): super().__init__('CIA') self._cia_pairs = cia_pairs self._cia_cache = CIACache() if self._cia_pairs is None: self._cia_pairs = [] @property def ciaPairs(self): """ Returns list of molecular pairs involved Returns ------- :obj:`list` of str """ return self._cia_pairs @ciaPairs.setter def ciaPairs(self, value): self._cia_pairs = value
[docs] def contribute(self, model, start_layer, end_layer, density_offset, layer, density, tau, path_length=None): if self._total_cia > 0: contribute_cia(start_layer, end_layer, density_offset, self.sigma_xsec, density, path_length, self._nlayers, self._ngrid, layer, tau)
[docs] def prepare_each(self, model, wngrid): """ Computes and weighs cross-section for a single pair of molecules Parameters ---------- model: :class:`~taurex.model.model.ForwardModel` Forward model wngrid: :obj:`array` Wavenumber grid Yields ------ component: :obj:`tuple` of type (str, :obj:`array`) Molecular pair and the weighted cia opacity. """ self._total_cia = len(self.ciaPairs) self._nlayers = model.nLayers self._ngrid = wngrid.shape[0]'Computing CIA ') sigma_cia = np.zeros(shape=(model.nLayers, wngrid.shape[0])) chemistry = model.chemistry for pairName in self.ciaPairs: cia = self._cia_cache[pairName] sigma_cia[...] = 0.0 cia_factor = chemistry.get_gas_mix_profile(cia.pairOne) * \ chemistry.get_gas_mix_profile(cia.pairTwo) for idx_layer, temperature in enumerate(model.temperatureProfile): _cia_xsec = cia.cia(temperature, wngrid) sigma_cia[idx_layer] += _cia_xsec*cia_factor[idx_layer] self.sigma_xsec = sigma_cia yield pairName, sigma_cia
[docs] def write(self, output): contrib = super().write(output) if len(self.ciaPairs) > 0: contrib.write_string_array('cia_pairs', self.ciaPairs) return contrib
[docs] @classmethod def input_keywords(self): return ['CIA', ]