Source code for taurex.contributions.absorption

from .contribution import Contribution,contribute_tau
import numpy as np
import numba
from taurex.cache import OpacityCache, GlobalCache
from taurex.cache.ktablecache import KTableCache
import math

@numba.jit(nopython=True, nogil=True,fastmath=True)
def contribute_ktau(startK,endK,density_offset,sigma,density,path,weights,tau,ngrid,layer,ngauss):
    tau_temp = np.zeros(shape=(ngrid,ngauss))
    for k in range(startK, endK):
        _path = path[k]
        _density = density[k+density_offset]
        # for mol in range(nmols):
        for wn in range(ngrid):
            for g in range(ngauss):
                tau_temp[wn,g] += sigma[k+layer,wn,g]*_path*_density

    for wn in range(ngrid):   
        transtemp = 0.0
        for g in range(ngauss):
            transtemp += math.exp(-tau_temp[wn,g])*weights[g]

[docs]class AbsorptionContribution(Contribution):
[docs] def contribute(self, model, start_horz_layer, end_horz_layer, density_offset, layer, density, tau, path_length=None): if self._use_ktables: #startK,endK,density_offset,sigma,density,path,weights,tau,ngrid,layer,ngauss contribute_ktau(start_horz_layer, end_horz_layer, density_offset, self.sigma_xsec, density, path_length, self.weights, tau, self._ngrid, layer, self.weights.shape[0]) else: super().contribute(model, start_horz_layer, end_horz_layer, density_offset, layer, density, tau, path_length)
def __init__(self): super().__init__('Absorption') self._opacity_cache = OpacityCache()
[docs] def build(self,model): pass
[docs] def prepare_each(self,model,wngrid): self.debug('Preparing model with %s', wngrid.shape) self._ngrid = wngrid.shape[0] self._use_ktables = GlobalCache()['opacity_method'] == 'ktables''Using cross-sections? %s', not self._use_ktables) weights = None if self._use_ktables: self._opacity_cache = KTableCache() else: self._opacity_cache = OpacityCache() sigma_xsec = None self.weights = None for gas in model.chemistry.activeGases: #self._total_contrib[...] =0.0 gas_mix = model.chemistry.get_gas_mix_profile(gas)'Recomputing active gas %s opacity',gas) xsec = self._opacity_cache[gas] if self._use_ktables and self.weights is None: self.weights = xsec.weights if sigma_xsec is None: if self._use_ktables: sigma_xsec = np.zeros(shape=(self._nlayers, self._ngrid, len(self.weights))) else: sigma_xsec = np.zeros(shape=(self._nlayers, self._ngrid)) else: sigma_xsec[...] = 0.0 for idx_layer, tp in enumerate(zip(model.temperatureProfile, model.pressureProfile)): self.debug('Got index,tp %s %s', idx_layer,tp) temperature, pressure = tp #print(gas,self._opacity_cache[gas].opacity(temperature,pressure,wngrid),gas_mix[idx_layer]) sigma_xsec[idx_layer] += xsec.opacity(temperature, pressure, wngrid)*gas_mix[idx_layer] self.sigma_xsec = sigma_xsec self.debug('SIGMAXSEC %s',self.sigma_xsec) yield gas, sigma_xsec
[docs] def prepare(self, model, wngrid): """ Used to prepare the contribution for the calculation. Called before the forward model performs the main optical depth calculation. Default behaviour is to loop through :func:`prepare_each` and sum all results into a single cross-section. Parameters ---------- model: :class:`~taurex.model.model.ForwardModel` Forward model wngrid: :obj:`array` Wavenumber grid """ self._ngrid = wngrid.shape[0] self._nlayers = model.nLayers sigma_xsec = None self.debug('ABSORPTION VERSION') for gas, sigma in self.prepare_each(model, wngrid): self.debug('Gas %s', gas) self.debug('Sigma %s', sigma) if sigma_xsec is None: sigma_xsec = np.zeros_like(sigma) sigma_xsec += sigma self.sigma_xsec = sigma_xsec self.debug('Final sigma is %s', self.sigma_xsec)'Done')
[docs] def finalize(self,model): raise NotImplementedError
@property def sigma(self): return self.sigma_xsec
[docs] @classmethod def input_keywords(self): return ['Absorption', 'Molecules', ]