Source code for taurex.cia.hitrancia

"""Module contains classes that handle loading of HITRAN cia files"""
from .cia import CIA
import numpy as np
from taurex.util.math import interp_lin_only
from taurex.log import Logger

[docs]class EndOfHitranCIAException(Exception): """ An exception that occurs when the end of a HITRAN file is reached """ pass
[docs]def hashwn(start_wn, end_wn): """ Simple wavenumber hash function """ return str(start_wn)+str(end_wn)
[docs]class HitranCiaGrid(Logger): """ Class that handles a particular HITRAN cia wavenumber grid Since temperatures for CIA sometimes have different wavenumber grids this class helps to simplify managing them by only dealing with one at a time. These will help us unify into a single grid eventually Parameters ---------- wn_min : float The minimum wavenumber for this grid wn_max : float The maximum wavenumber for this grid """ def __init__(self, wn_min, wn_max): super().__init__(self.__class__.__name__) self.wn = None self.Tsigma = []
[docs] def add_temperature(self, T, sigma): """ Adds a temeprature and crossection to this wavenumber grid Parameters ---------- T : float Temeprature in Kelvin sigma : :obj:`array` cross-sections for this grid """ self.Tsigma.append((T, sigma))
@property def temperature(self): """ Gets the current temeprature grid for this wavenumber grid Returns ------- :obj:`array` Temeprature grid in Kelvin """ return [t for t, s in self.Tsigma] @property def sigma(self): """ Gets the currently loaded crossections for this wavenumber grid Returns ------- :obj:`array` Cross-section grid """ return [s for t, s in self.Tsigma]
[docs] def find_closest_temperature_index(self, temperature): """ Finds the nearest indices for a particular temperature Parameters ---------- temperature : float Temeprature in Kelvin Returns ------- t_min : int index on temprature grid to the left of ``temperature`` t_max : int index on temprature grid to the right of ``temperature`` """ t_min = np.array(self.temperature).searchsorted(temperature, side='right')-1 t_max = t_min+1 return t_min, t_max
[docs] def interp_linear_grid(self, T, t_idx_min, t_idx_max): """ For a given temperature and indicies. Interpolate the cross-sections linearly from temperature grid to temperature ``T`` Parameters ---------- temperature : float Temeprature in Kelvin t_min : int index on temprature grid to the left of ``temperature`` t_max : int index on temprature grid to the right of ``temperature`` Returns ------- out : :obj:`array` Interpolated cross-section """ temp_grid = np.array(self.temperature) Tmax = temp_grid[t_idx_max] Tmin = temp_grid[t_idx_min] fx0 = self.sigma[t_idx_min] fx1 = self.sigma[t_idx_max] return interp_lin_only(fx0, fx1, T, Tmin, Tmax)
[docs] def sortTempSigma(self): """ Sorts the temperature-sigma list """ import operator self.Tsigma.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0))
[docs] def fill_temperature(self, temperatures): """ Here the 'master' temperature grid is passed into here and any gaps in our grid is filled with zero cross-sections to produce our final temperature-crosssection grid that matches with every other wavenumber grid. Temperatures that don't exist in the current grid but are withing the minimum and maximum for us are produced by linear interpolation Parameters ---------- temperatures : array_like Master temperature grid """ for t in temperatures: if t in self.temperature: continue self.debug('Tempurature %s, %s', t) if t < min(self.temperature) or t > max(self.temperature): self.add_temperature(t, np.zeros_like(self.wn)) else: indicies = self.find_closest_temperature_index(t) self.add_temperature(t, self.interp_linear_grid(t, *indicies)) self.sortTempSigma()
[docs]class HitranCIA(CIA): """ A class that directly deals with HITRAN `cia <>`_ files and turns them into generic CIA objects that nicely produces cross sections for us. This will handle CIAs that have wavenumber grids split across temperatures by unifying them into single grids. To use it simply do: >>> h2h2 = HitranCIA('path/to/H2-He.cia') And now you can painlessly compute cross-sections like this: >>> h2h2.cia(400) Or if you have a wavenumber grid, we can also interpolate it: >>> h2h2.cia(400,mywngrid) And all it cost was buying me a beer! Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to HITRAN cia file """ def __init__(self, filename): super().__init__(self.__class__.__name__, 'None') self._filename = filename self._molecule_name = None self._wavenumber_grid = None self._temperature_grid = None self._xsec_grid = None self._wn_dict = {} self.load_hitran_file(filename)
[docs] def load_hitran_file(self, filename): """ Handles loading of the HITRAN file by reading and figuring out the wavenumber and temperature grids and matching them up Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to HITRAN cia file """ temp_list = [] with open(filename, 'r') as f: # Read number of points while True: try: start_wn, end_wn, total_points, T, \ max_cia = self.read_header(f) except EndOfHitranCIAException: break if T not in temp_list: temp_list.append(T) wn_hash = hashwn(start_wn, end_wn) wn_obj = None if wn_hash not in self._wn_dict: self._wn_dict[wn_hash] = HitranCiaGrid(start_wn, end_wn) wn_obj = self._wn_dict[wn_hash] # Clear the temporary list sigma_temp = [] wn_temp = [] for x in range(total_points): line = f.readline() self.debug('Line %s', line) splits = line.split() _wn = splits[0] _sigma = splits[1] wn_temp.append(float(_wn)) _sig = float(_sigma)*1e-10 if _sig < 0: _sig = 0 sigma_temp.append(_sig) # Ok we're done lets add the sigma wn_obj.add_temperature(T, np.array(sigma_temp)) # set the wavenumber grid wn_obj.wn = np.array(wn_temp) temp_list.sort() self._temperature_grid = np.array(temp_list) self.fill_gaps(temp_list) self.compute_final_grid()
[docs] def fill_gaps(self, temperature): """ Fills gaps in temperature grid for all wavenumber grid objects we've created Parameters ---------- temperature : array_like Master temperature grid """ for wn_obj in self._wn_dict.values(): wn_obj.sortTempSigma() wn_obj.fill_temperature(temperature)
[docs] def compute_final_grid(self): """ Collects all :class:`HitranCiaGrid` objects we've created and unifies them into a single temperature, cross-section and wavenumber grid for us to FINALLY interpolate and produce collisionaly induced cross-sections """ _wngrid = [] for w in self._wn_dict.values(): _wngrid.append(w.wn) self._wavenumber_grid = np.concatenate(_wngrid) sorted_idx = np.argsort(self._wavenumber_grid) self._wavenumber_grid = self._wavenumber_grid[sorted_idx] _sigma_array = [] for idx, t in enumerate(self._temperature_grid): _temp_sigma = [] for w in self._wn_dict.values(): _temp_sigma.append(w.Tsigma[idx][1]) _sigma_array.append(np.concatenate(_temp_sigma)[sorted_idx]) self._xsec_grid = np.array(_sigma_array)
[docs] def find_closest_temperature_index(self, temperature): """ Finds the nearest indices for a particular temperature Parameters ---------- temperature : float Temeprature in Kelvin Returns ------- t_min : int index on temprature grid to the left of ``temperature`` t_max : int index on temprature grid to the right of ``temperature`` """ from taurex.util.util import find_closest_pair t_min, t_max = find_closest_pair(self.temperatureGrid, temperature) return t_min, t_max
[docs] def interp_linear_grid(self, T, t_idx_min, t_idx_max): """ For a given temperature and indicies. Interpolate the cross-sections linearly from temperature grid to temperature ``T`` Parameters ---------- temperature : float Temeprature in Kelvin t_min : int index on temprature grid to the left of ``temperature`` t_max : int index on temprature grid to the right of ``temperature`` Returns ------- out : :obj:`array` Interpolated cross-section """ if T > self._temperature_grid.max(): return self._xsec_grid[-1] elif T < self._temperature_grid.min(): return self._xsec_grid[0] Tmax = self._temperature_grid[t_idx_max] Tmin = self._temperature_grid[t_idx_min] fx0 = self._xsec_grid[t_idx_min] fx1 = self._xsec_grid[t_idx_max] return interp_lin_only(fx0, fx1, T, Tmin, Tmax)
[docs] def read_header(self, f): """ Reads single header in the file Parameters ---------- f : file object Returns ------- start_wn : float Start wavenumber for temperature end_wn : float End wavenumber for temperature total_points : int total number of points in temperature T : float Temperature in Kelvin max_cia : float Maximum CIA value in temperature """ line = f.readline() if line is None or line == '': raise EndOfHitranCIAException split = line.split() self._pair_name = split[0] start_wn = float(split[1]) end_wn = float(split[2]) total_points = int(split[3]) T = float(split[4]) max_cia = float(split[5]) return start_wn, end_wn, total_points, T, max_cia
@property def wavenumberGrid(self): """ Unified wavenumber grid Returns ------- :obj:`array` Native wavenumber grid """ return self._wavenumber_grid @property def temperatureGrid(self): """ Unified temperature grid Returns ------- :obj:`array` Native temperature grid in Kelvin """ return self._temperature_grid
[docs] def compute_cia(self, temperature): """ Computes the collisionally induced absorption cross-section using our final native temperature and cross-section grids Parameters ---------- temperature : float Temperature in Kelvin Returns ------- out : :obj:`array` Temperature interpolated cross-section """ indicies = self.find_closest_temperature_index(temperature) return self.interp_linear_grid(temperature, *indicies)