Source code for taurex.binning.fluxbinner

from .binner import Binner
from taurex.util.util import compute_bin_edges
import numpy as np
from taurex import OutputSize

[docs]class FluxBinner(Binner): """ Bins to a wavenumber grid given by ``wngrid`` using a more accurate method that takes into account the amount of contribution from each native bin. This method also handles cases where bins are not continuous and/or overlapping. Parameters ---------- wngrid: :obj:`array` Wavenumber grid wngrid_width: :obj:`array`, optional Must have same shape as ``wngrid`` Full bin widths for each wavenumber grid point given in ``wngrid``. If not provided then this is automatically computed from ``wngrid``. """ def __init__(self, wngrid, wngrid_width=None): super().__init__() sort_grid = wngrid.argsort() self._wngrid = wngrid[sort_grid] self._wngrid_width = wngrid_width if self._wngrid_width is None: self._wngrid_width = compute_bin_edges(self._wngrid)[-1] elif hasattr(self._wngrid_width, '__len__'): if len(self._wngrid_width) != len(self._wngrid): raise ValueError('Wavenumber width should be signel value or ' 'same shape as wavenumber grid') self._wngrid_width = wngrid_width[sort_grid] if not hasattr(self._wngrid_width, '__len__'): self._wngrid_width = np.ones_like(self._wngrid)*self._wngrid_width
[docs] def bindown(self, wngrid, spectrum, grid_width=None, error=None): """ Bins down spectrum. Parameters ---------- wngrid : :obj:`array` The wavenumber grid of the spectrum to be binned down. spectrum: :obj:`array` The spectra we wish to bin-down. Must be same shape as ``wngrid``. grid_width: :obj:`array`, optional Wavenumber grid full-widths for the spectrum to be binned down. Must be same shape as ``wngrid``. Optional. error: :obj:`array`, optional Associated errors or noise of the spectrum. Must be same shape as ``wngrid``.Optional parameter. Returns ------- binned_wngrid : :obj:`array` New wavenumber grid spectrum: :obj:`array` Binned spectrum. grid_width: :obj:`array` New grid-widths error: :obj:`array` or None Binned error if given else ``None`` """ sorted_input = wngrid.argsort() wngrid = wngrid[sorted_input] spectrum = spectrum[..., sorted_input] if error is not None: error = error[..., sorted_input] bin_spectrum = np.zeros(spectrum[..., 0].shape + self._wngrid.shape) if error is not None: bin_error = np.zeros(spectrum[..., 0].shape + self._wngrid.shape) else: bin_error = None old_spect_wn = wngrid old_spect_flux = spectrum old_spect_err = error old_spect_width = grid_width if old_spect_width is None: old_spect_width = compute_bin_edges(old_spect_wn)[-1] old_spect_min = old_spect_wn - old_spect_width/2 old_spect_max = old_spect_wn + old_spect_width/2 new_spec_lhs = self._wngrid new_spec_rhs = self._wngrid_width new_spec_wn = self._wngrid new_spec_wn_min = new_spec_lhs - new_spec_rhs/2 new_spec_wn_max = new_spec_lhs + new_spec_rhs/2 save_start = 0 save_stop = 0 for idx, res in enumerate(zip(new_spec_wn, new_spec_wn_min, new_spec_wn_max)): wn, wn_min, wn_max = res sum_spectrum = 0 sum_noise = 0 sum_weight = 0 save_start = np.searchsorted(old_spect_max, wn_min, side='right') save_stop = np.searchsorted(old_spect_min[1:], wn_max, side='right') save_stop = min(save_stop, old_spect_min.shape[0]-1) save_start = min(save_start, old_spect_min.shape[0]-1) if not wn_min <= old_spect_max[save_start] or not \ old_spect_min[save_stop] <= wn_max: continue spect_min = old_spect_min[save_start:save_stop+1] spect_max = old_spect_max[save_start:save_stop+1] weight = (np.minimum(wn_max, spect_max) - np.maximum(spect_min, wn_min))/(wn_max-wn_min) sum_weight = np.sum(weight) sum_spectrum = np.sum(weight/sum_weight * old_spect_flux[..., save_start:save_stop+1], axis=-1) if error is not None: sum_noise = np.sum(weight * weight * old_spect_err[..., save_start:save_stop+1]**2, axis=0) sum_noise = np.sqrt(sum_noise / sum_weight/sum_weight) bin_spectrum[..., idx] = sum_spectrum if error is not None: bin_error[idx] = sum_noise return self._wngrid, bin_spectrum, bin_error, self._wngrid_width
[docs] def generate_spectrum_output(self, model_output, output_size=OutputSize.heavy): output = super().generate_spectrum_output(model_output, output_size=output_size) output['binned_wngrid'] = self._wngrid output['binned_wlgrid'] = 10000/self._wngrid output['binned_wnwidth'] = self._wngrid_width output['binned_wlwidth'] = 1.0/self._wngrid_width return output